
Showing posts from March, 2019


Hey guys! Thanks for reading my blog again! And if you haven't read my blog before this, welcome! This week I will be blogging about the game that got me into MMORPG s, or M assively  M ultiplayer  O nline  R ole  P laying  G ame. I have been playing this game on and off ever since I was six years old! Runescape is a free online experience where you are put in this medieval world filled with magic, monsters and wonder, and are completely free to do as you please! You can be a great warrior, fighting against other players or against monsters. Or, you could be a great skiller, where you can level up and focus on skills besides combat, like woodcutting, construction, fishing, etc. There is also a free to play versions and member versions. Usually everyone joins and plays F2P (free 2 play) first and if they chose to purchase membership for a certain amount of months, you gain access to a lot more of the world around! It is worth the price if you put the time in bu...

Super Smash Bros Ultimate

Hey everyone! This week I will be talking about a game series I recently discovered and joined, the Super Smash Bros Series, and the most recent installment, Super Smash Bros Ultimate! I don’t have a whole lot this week to say because I’m a greenie the series, but this game is a lot of fun! SSBU is different from other fighting games I’ve played. For example, more free movement and faster gameplay due to the bigger, more open, maps, and the damage system. The damage system is based off of percentages. Each player starts off at 0%, and everytime you get hit, the percentage increases based off of a different gameplay elements like what type of attack, were you blocking, etc. The higher the percentage, the more distance you are sent flying when you are hit. If you get hit back far enough, you can knocked off the screen and lose a life, or stock. This is definitely an interesting mechanic because it creates such a different gameplay versus more static fighting games like Mortal Kombat. T...