Hey guys! Thanks for reading my blog again! And if you haven't read my blog before this, welcome! This week I will be blogging about the game that got me into MMORPG s, or M assively M ultiplayer O nline R ole P laying G ame. I have been playing this game on and off ever since I was six years old! Runescape is a free online experience where you are put in this medieval world filled with magic, monsters and wonder, and are completely free to do as you please! You can be a great warrior, fighting against other players or against monsters. Or, you could be a great skiller, where you can level up and focus on skills besides combat, like woodcutting, construction, fishing, etc. There is also a free to play versions and member versions. Usually everyone joins and plays F2P (free 2 play) first and if they chose to purchase membership for a certain amount of months, you gain access to a lot more of the world around! It is worth the price if you put the time in bu...